Thursday, 11 June 2015

2640012 - WTAD - June 2012

Gujarat Technological University
Practical Examination – May-June 2011
MCA Semester – IV
Subject Code: 640012 Subject Name: Programming skills-VII (WTAD)

Sr. No

Write a javascript code to make a calculator.

A. Write a javascript code using arrays and generate the current date in words, this should include the day, the month and the year. (e.g. Monday, May 16,2011).
B. Write a javascript to build a marquee (a scrolling text box) in JavaScript and HTML.

Develop a windows database application to perform the database operations like record Navigation, insert, delete and search on Student table having following details.
Database: Oracle 
Table: Stud_Info
      Field Name     Field Type
      Stud_id            Integer
Stud_name      varchar
Stud_city         varchar
Stud_phone     Numeric
Stud_std          Numeric
Stud_div          varchar
Stud_gender    varchar
             Stud_bod        date

Develop a JSP file which will accept the user input e.g Personal Info, Education etc. and display the same content in MS Excel file.

Write a Servlet to display all the attributes available from httprequest and servlet context.

Develop a servlet application for the interest calculation. Consider few dummy rules for Income tax calculation
If salary < 1,00,000 PA      tax =0
If salary > 100000 and < 2,00,000 then tax =10%
If salary is > 2,00,000 PA the 10% on amount less than 2,00,000 and 15 % on amt above 2,00,000
For female employees provide tax reduction of 4% in all above tax rates.
Prepare a file on server which takes care of this rule. Given salary and gender from the client side, return the actual amount of tax to be paid.
Create a web page which displays a list of different items. Create another page using servlet which will display all the selected items by the user. Users may navigate back and forth to select different items and view all items selected by him.

Develop a beans application having property named Stu_ID, Stu_Program.  Use 
<jsp:useBean> standard action to set and get the beans property with Application scope.

Develop a web application in JSP with insert, delete and update operations.
Database: Oracle
Table: Product Info.
Field Name    
Prod_name        i.e Model Name or number

Develop an index.jsp page to import external text file (test.txt) in it using standard tag library of JSTL.

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