Thursday, 11 June 2015

2640012 - WTAD - Jun, 2013

Gujarat Technological University

MCA Semester-4, Practical Examination – Jun, 2013

Programming Skills – VII (WTAD) [640012]

Max: 80 Marks                                                                Duration: 2.5 Hrs

1.      Create a Servlet which gets Text, Font Color and Background Color from user. Change the background color of the form as per color passed by user. Convert the text in uppercase, make it bold and print it with font color passed by user.

2.      Create a Login Servlet which accepts Username and Password from User. Store it in form of Cookie/Session. If Cookie/Session with same values exists then display message “Successful Login” and if Not then display message “Values are Saved Successfully!”

3.      Using a JSP page, get some number say N from user. Generate N random numbers. From those random numbers display Prime Numbers in form of Ordered List and Non-Prime Numbers in form of Unordered List.

4.      Create an application using JSP Bean: Accepts Book Details like Book Id, Book Name, Author Name, Publisher and Price from user. Store it in a JSP Bean & display it on “book details” page. In a separate page get just Book ID and New Price from User. Update Bean to store new Price for the Book. Display these new details on the same “book details” page.

5.      Create an application using JSP Bean: Get details like First Name, Last Name, Email, Age from user and store it in a JSP Bean. If Age of user is more than 15 years then Display All the Details on “profile.jsp” with Green Background otherwise Display Error Message “Not Authorized to View this Page” on “prof ile.jsp” page with Red Background.

6.      Using MVC Architecture create following application: Store Item Details Item Code, Item Name and Price in any static form or in database. Get Item Code and Quantity from user; match it with list of existing Items. If Item found in the list then display complete Bill in well formatted manner. Otherwise display Error Message “Item Not Found!”

7.      Create application which accepts user details like Firstname, Lastname, Email, Date Of Birth, City, State, Country. Store all the details in database. Create one Report which displays list of all the users stored. Also give links Edit/Delete along with each record which allows user to Edit/Delete that particular record.

8.      Create Custom JSTL Tag which accepts two numbers from user & operation and displays

the appropriate result.

For example: <custom:operation val1=”20” val2=”10” op=”*” /> should display Ans:200 and <custom:operation val1=”20” val2=”10” op=”-” /> should display Ans: 10

9.      Write a Servlet that displays the values of the FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress request parameters. But, remember what users told you in the past, and use the old values if the current values are missing. So, if a parameter is missing and the client is a first-time visitor, have the servlet list “Unknown” for the mi ssing values. If a parameter is missing and the client is a repeat visitor, have the Servlet use previously entered values for the missing values.

10.  Write a JSP Program to get Employee information through a HTML and create a Java Bean Class, populate Bean and display the same information through another JSP.

    11.  Design a servlet that returns the details of the country like: its capital city, population and the national language of the country sent as a request. Maintain the database for the details of the country.

12.  Develop an MVC application that takes a string from user. Convert the string into uppercase and return to the user. Also append the current time in response. As per the time greet the user. 

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