In a C source program, the basic element recognized by the compiler is the "token." A token is source-program text that the compiler does not break down into component elements.
identifier constant string-literal operator punctuator
The keywords, identifiers, constants, string literals, and operators described in this section are examples of tokens. Punctuation characters such as brackets ([ ]), braces ({ }), parentheses ( ( ) ), and commas (,) are also tokens.
C token is an individual word present in the c-language. There are 6 types
identifier constant string-literal operator punctuator
The keywords, identifiers, constants, string literals, and operators described in this section are examples of tokens. Punctuation characters such as brackets ([ ]), braces ({ }), parentheses ( ( ) ), and commas (,) are also tokens.
C token is an individual word present in the c-language. There are 6 types
- Keywords: keywords are defined by the software with the specified meaning.
- In c language 32 keywords are there
Example: double, int, struct, etc - Identifiers:User defined variable names.
- Constants: The value which is not changed during the execution
- Strings: Group of caharacters enclosed in " "
- Operators: The following are the operators available in c 1.Arthematic Operators: [+,-,*,/,%]
- 2.Assignment Operators: [=]
- 3.Relational Operators: [<,<=,>,>=,==,!=]
- 4.Logical Operators: [and,or,not]
- 5.increment/decrement Operators:[++,--]
- 6.Bitwise Operators: [&,|,~,^,>>,<<]
- 7.Conditional or terinary Operator:[?:]
- Special characters: ,(comma) -to seperate
- 2 variables sizeof Operators -returns the size of the variable
good ....for the Que, of c tokens